The Future and Solar

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NATiVE was proud to speak with the next generation of solar supporters at two events in Central Texas in February. NATiVE’s CEO Lloyd Lee spoke to his daughter’s 2nd grade class at Dripping Springs Elementary and demonstrated how a solar panel works and fielded questions from students. Questions ranged from how much does a solar panel weigh, to can a solar panel work on a cloudy day? (Hint: Yes it can!).

After the event, Lloyd was eager to share in the students’ enthusiasm.

“Having a chance to see young students get so excited about solar reminds me why the work we do is not only important now, but for our future. Through the questions they asked, it was clear that these kids are learning about the benefits of solar and renewable energy at a really early age.”

“Mr. Lloyd Lee came into our 2nd grade classroom to teach us about solar and renewable energy. The students were able to see real life solar panels and even touch them! They loved tying together what we have learned about energy this year into a real world career. It also educated them about the future of energy and how we have options to help the planet by using renewable energy sources like solar. We loved having Mr. Lee come visit our classroom!” Ms. Cole, 2nd Grade Teacher, Dripping Springs Elementary

Shortly after the presentation, Lloyd received thank you letters from the students. It is easy to see that even these young students are excited (and quite informed) about solar! You can read a couple of them below.

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NATiVE also had a chance to visit Eanes Elementary School and participate in its annual Science Day. With the day focusing on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) related subjects, the topic of solar energy and panels was a perfect fit. Students had a chance to get up close and personal with solar panels, and ask insightful questions about how solar panels work, and how this energy is used to power homes and cars.

Speaking of cars, the highlight of the day had students building and racing their own solar powered vehicles under the Texas sun. After some solar trivia with Business Manager Dave Dixon, students received their car parts and miniature solar panels to build a solar powered vehicle to race!

Getting out in the sun was both exciting and educational. As the sun grew stronger throughout the day, students saw their cars speed up. And as a cloud passed overhead, the cars would accordingly slow down. “Having the students see the firsthand how solar energy can power vehicles is an integral step in getting the next generation of solar supporters excited for the future,” said Dave Dixon as he fiddled with the solar panel of a student’s vehicle for maximum sun exposure.

The day wrapped up with a debriefing with students and faculty, where everyone got a chance to share what they learned, and ask additional questions about their solar powered cars and how they can get more information about going solar.

Would you like to know more about how solar can power your future? We would be happy to speak to you over the phone, visit you at your home, and even arrange a solar demonstration for your classroom. Click the button below! You are never too old or young to harness the power of the sun!

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