The High Cost of Low Efficiency

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image media=”101905″ media_width_percent=”100″ uncode_shortcode_id=”831806″][vc_column_text]Comprised of semi-arid and subtropical regions, Texas is home to more weather extremes than any other state. In fact, it’s a downright point of pride for many residents, especially during this time of the year when few will argue that there is anything more intense than a summer in Texas. We know July to be the specific month, which ushers in that relentless heat, the kind that sticks to your skin no matter what you wear, or how much you think cool thoughts. Thankfully, air conditioning has made it so that we don’t have to summer in Anchorage to escape the heat. Unfortunately, escaping that dreaded electricity bill from a house with low efficiency has proven to be much more difficult… until now.

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), almost all residents in Texas use air conditioning equipment of some kind. Over 80 percent use central air conditioners, which even their most efficient tend to draw incredible amounts of power compared to its counterparts. With the kinds of summers we have, it’s no surprise that the average electricity consumption in a Texas home is 26 percent higher than the national average. A greater portion of that energy expenditure is the direct result of air conditioning. Check out the EIA’s Residential Energy Consumption Survey: Household Energy Use in Texas

But when the mercury rises to the tune of a hefty electricity bill, do you ever stop and ask yourself, is there a better way? At Native, we believe there always is, and that’s why we ask folks to stop solely focusing on your air conditioning and start focusing on the condition of your home. It’s like trying to fix a leaky boat with a bigger or better engine. What good is it if it still leaks? So let’s fix the leaks, shall we?

You can begin by upgrading your home to increase its energy efficiency. Take advantage of top-quality spray foam sealants, highly rated HVAC systems, energy-efficient windows and even metal roofing options to properly regulate the temperature of your home throughout the year. Consider how much money you could save if you were to optimize the performance of your home, and not just your air conditioner.

Now, if you did all that, you should see a slight drop in your electrical bill, but let’s take those upgrades one step further and think about how much more money you could save by not relying on the electric company to meet the energy demands of your home. Don’t be shy; take a good look at what it costs to cool your home during summer. Your air conditioning unit is probably working overtime. You may have several going on at the same time. You may also have a few fans working day and night. And just because you stand in front of freezer, you are not fooling anyone. Even when you limit your use to a few hours a day and do some or all of the previously mentioned upgrades, you are still giving your hard-earned money away to the electrical company to cool your home.

Why not give all that money back to yourself and switch to solar? Why not make that monthly cost a monthly investment in your home? It can be one cost-saving solution that gives more than it takes and gets you back to looking forward to seeing your next electric bill this summer. After all, isn’t it time to turn down the thermostat and finally turn up the savings?

Low Efficiency Low Efficiency Low Efficiency Low Efficiency Low Efficiency Low Efficiency Low Efficiency[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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